Lost Creek
Tecumseh Lake Oil Field
Emmanuel Temple of Praise
Southwestern District Church
Tecumseh Lake
Pioneer Baptist Church
Farrall Park
Washington School
Unity Health Center
Calvary Baptist Church
Tecumseh Cemetery
Trinity United Methodist Church
Absentee ShawneeTribal Police
Patawatomi Tribal Police Department
Shawnee Indian Sanatorium
Lincoln Park
Midway Church
Union Missionary Baptist Church
Dunbar School
Glad Tidings Assembly of God
Irving School
Shawnee Fire Department Station 1 Headquarters
Shawnee Police Department
Saint Pauls United Methodist Church
First Church of the Nazarene
First Presbyterian School and Church
Saint Benedict School
Family of Faith College
Tecumseh Fire Department Station 2
Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Office
Church of Christ Lakeview
Wallace Avenue Baptist Church
Downtown Pentecostal Church
Spirit Rain Christian Church
Central Presbyterian Church
Woodland Park
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Tecumseh Dam
Tecumseh Lake
Shawnee High School
Franklin School
Shawnee Beauty College
Jefferson Elementary School
Faith-7 School
Saint John Lutheran Church
Chasteen Park
Squirrel Creek
Milstead Park
Redbud Park
Shawnee Plaza
Larchmiller Park
Kickapoo Plaza Shopping Center
First Church of God
Immanuel Baptist Church
Harrison School
Tecumseh High School
First Assembly of God
Wildwood Park
Shawnee Town (historical)
Emmanuel Pentecostal Church
Saint Benedict Cemetery
Del Plaza Shopping Center
Crouch Ranch Airport
React Emergency Medical Services Station 2
Lilac Park
Rosedale Park
Shawnee Early Childhood Center
KMART Shopping Center
Open Door Church of God
Horace Mann Elementary School
Trinity Baptist Church
Kenwood Park
First Christian Church
Krouch Elementary School
Tecumseh Middle School
Wesley United Methodist Church
Shawnee Regional Airport
Bible Temple
React Emergency Medical Services Station 3
Tecumseh Police Department
Tecumseh Fire Department Station 1
React Emergency Medical Services Station 1
Oklahoma Baptist University Police Department
Deer Creek
Institute of Hair Design
Rose Garden Park
Cross Timbers Elementary School
Fairview Cemetery
Oklahoma Baptist University
Pleasant Grove Elementary School
Barnard Elementary School
New Hope Cemetery
Cooper Area Vocational College
New Hope Baptist Church
Unity Health Center
Liberty Academy
Temple Baptist Church
Liberty Baptist Church