Turkey Tank
Sawmill Canyon
Red Bluff Tank
Harlan Tank
Ruidoso Christian School
Gavilan Ridge
Goat Mountain
Salsbury Canyon
Hale Canyon
Gavilan Ridge
Johnson Canyon
Turkey Spring Canyon
Lincoln Hills
Twin Tank
Hollywood Pit
Stetson Cemetery
Airplane Canyon
Beavers Pit
Ruidoso Downs Police Department
Ruidoso Downs Race Track
Sierra Blanca
Pine Canyon
Blanche Tank
Ruidoso Word Ministries
Palo Verde Canyon
First Baptist Church
Ruidoso Downs Post Office
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Ruidoso Downs
Ruidoso Reservoir
Herrera Ditch
Pierce Canyon
Hunters Draw
Hightower Mountain
Dry Eagle Lakes
Bogg Canyon
Fort Stanton Mesa
Seeping Springs Lakes
Four K Ranch
East Tank
Grapevine Canyon
KRUI-AM (Ruidoso Downs)
Skunk Canyon
Little Spring
Cherokee Bill Canyon
Bonito Volunteer Fire Department Sonterra Station
Lookout Canyon
High Mesa
Baston Spring
Pine Canyon
Bog Spring
Allison Canyon
Lincoln County Emergency Medical Services Headquarters
Gavilan Canyon
Lincoln County Medical Center
West Tank
Trinity Mountain Fellowship
Ruidoso Fire Department Station 2
Road Tank
Hollywood Post Office (historical)
Coal Mine Canyon
Ruidoso Municipal Airport (historical)
Moon Mountain
Hale Canyon Tank
Cellars Canyon
Pine Spring
Lincoln County Sheriff's Department
Ruidoso Heliport
Pine Tank
Flume Tank
Elumpe Tank
Ruidoso Police Department
Alto Lake Dam
Ruidoso Fire Department Station 1 Headquarters
Fox Tank
Paradise Canyon
Cedar Creek
Cree Meadows
KWES-FM (Ruidoso)
Forest Lawn Cemetery
Pine Tank
Vickers Canyon
Pothole Lake
Carrizo Creek
Rock Tank
Trick Tank
Cedar Canyon
Fox Cave
Lone Pine Tank
Alto Reservoir
Bear Canyon
Coyote Mesa
Pepper Tank
Pine Tank
Smokey Bear Ranger Station
Bonito Volunteer Fire Department Main Station
Spur Tank
San Ysidro Church and Cemetery
Gateway Church of Christ